
Genesis (Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible | BTC) is unavailable, but you can change that!

In this volume, R. R. Reno begins with the theological presupposition that Genesis is, at its core, a book that keeps pushing, moving, and looking forward. As Reno states, “As a book of origins Genesis is far less concerned with the source of what is than what will be.” Obviously this means that Reno is interpreting the text, and as such he does not allow Genesis to stand on its “own terms.” He...

of gossip (Jas. 3:6–8).8 There is a time for silence and a time for speaking (Eccl. 3:7), and apparently Ham spoke when he should have remained silent. The brevity of the text gives little support to any attempt to identify the transgression that motivates Noah’s curse of Ham’s progeny. But the larger witness of the Bible gives strong support to an interpretation of Ham’s sin as a public broadcast of embarrassing facts about his father. Not only do the Ten Commandments exhort us to honor our father
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